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Balance Bike Line

Balance bike training kit

News 2022! a series of simple and safe structures to create a balance bike route.

We have created these three types of structures to create an easy path dedicated to younger children who need to become familiar with their first bicycle. Designed for balance bikes, all structures can be traveled by even the greatest.

The three structures have the conformation of “ROOF”; “BRIDGE” and “ARCO”.

They all have a minimum width of 57 cm, and a height of 21 cm for the Roof and Bridge, while 25 cm for the Arch.

The lengths are:

Roof: 244 cm

Bridge: 366 cm

Arch *: 320 cm

They can be sold both in groups of three items and as loose items.

If you also need balance bikes, we can also supply you with PrimaBici Garelli bikes, which are simply fantastic! (see photo below)

For info contact us.

* The Arco structure is simply a very short MiniPump Evo; but you can always add other modules to turn it into a real minipump. 

Go to the section dedicated to the MiniPump Evo for more information, by clicking HERE 

bike skill area
supporto balance bike 5 posti
prima bici garelli
ostacolo per balance bike "TETTO"
ostacolo per balance bike "PONTE"
MiniPump Evo 1 onda

Balance bike Rack

Novità 2022! un piccolo portabici per balance bike portatile

Si tratta di una struttura semplice, ma molto efficace.

Consente di parcheggiare bici con ruote da 28 o 30 cm di diametro (12″), con larghezza massima di 5 cm. 

Può contenere fino a 5 balance bike.

Si può richiudere in 3 secondi per un facile trasporto compatto, senza alcun attrezzo.

Ottimo per eventi, bike school e tutte quelle situazioni dove possono essere presenti molte biciclette dalle ruote piccolissime. 

Essendo una struttura ad “L”, permette di accoppiare un altro modulo identico, ed ospitare fino a 10 biciclette. 


supporto balance bike 5 posti
supporto balance bike 5 posti
porta bici per balance bike
supporto balance bike 5 posti